Musei de Palazzo Poggi, Bologna, Itally

I first visited the Musei de Palazzo Poggi way back in 2012 when I was setting up Creating a Context , an International, project for Postgraduate students in Art and Architecture involving seven Universities across Europe, funded by the British Council.  It was love at first site. I have since returned several times.  Myself and several colleagues from Newcastle University are currently working on extending the project A Scientific Encounter  to work with the University of Bologna and the Palazzo Poggi.  It has a wonderful collection beginning with a cabinet of curiosities based around the work  of Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522-1605) and the wood cuts made to illustrate his volumes on ‘natural things’.  This flows into a medical section featuring obstetrics and a unique collection of full size ceramic models of fetus in different positions in the uterus.  There is also a small collection of scientific instruments focused on light, optics and electrical physics, and a wonderful collection of large scale model ships, maps and globes.  Every time I visit it is never for less than half a day.


Cabinet of curiosities
Wood cut printing block, armadillo
Ceramic twins in uterus